Break The Page



Playground for ideas; a journal about the web


  • Once there was a page...

    19/05/2013 Duration: 01min by Dan Donald What is Break the Page all about?

  • Language & Metaphor

    19/05/2013 Duration: 05min

    http://breakthepage/from-edition/one/language-and-metaphors/ by Dan Donald The words we use can have baggage and bring with them constraints we might not be aware of.

  • Archaeology of the Web

    18/05/2013 Duration: 03min by Dan Donald When you’re old and grey, looking back over your lifelong career in web creation, what artifacts will be left to dust off and pick through? What will be left to guide the future?

  • A Pinprick on the Timeline of Humanity

    22/04/2013 Duration: 15min by Anthony Casey We had this web lark licked didn’t we? We built millions and millions of pages. We knew it all. Then everything went and changed. Now it's all up in the air, people are panicking and arguing about what's right all over the shop. It's all gone to hell. Or has it? Well let's just stop, take a breather and think about where we sit in the grand scheme of things.